
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Out to Sea

Sunset at Lookout Point, Harpswell, Maine
A favorite spot to paint, a 15-minute drive from home.

I'm taking a one week blog vacation. Next post September 1, 2010. Enjoy the rest of summer!


  1. I see the resemblance between your heading and the picture. Have a good time and I hope you will have plenty of inspiration to paint and write.

  2. What a lovely spot! The island looks like a monster rising from the sea as the sun sets. Have a relaxing week off, and we will see you in September.

  3. What a beautiful view! Enjoy your vacation.

  4. A stunning silhouette! Enjoy your last bit of summer as well!

  5. Lovely romantic photo, Sarah!
    Have a good time!!

  6. Beautiful photo--I wish I were there. The kids already back in school around here. Enjoy the last rays of yours.

  7. Have a good vacation from blogging Sarah. You have left us with a lovely parting image. I'll keep an eye out for you around the 1st.

  8. beautiful painting and photograph both - very easy to see how this view would inspire. enjoy your vacation. xo

  9. Great shot and wonderfully evocative painting. The seashore I love it...far away though it is. Have a nice break Sarah.

  10. Hope you're spending some time in a beautiful place like this, Sarah. Enjoy the last few days of summer!

  11. Do you paint from that little island or from the shore?
    To me, this lovely photograph suggests the sun setting on summer . . . are you off for a last summery fling?

    We have the Bank Holiday coming up, but summer is definitely on the wane here. I don't think it will be a barbeque weekend; there is a chill wind blowing!

  12. Sigh. So beautiful.

    Hope you're enjoying your break!

  13. Lovely. I feel calmer just looking at that photo.

  14. What a haunting image.
    Do enjoy your break.

  15. What a glorious shot! Have a fab time. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  16. Thanks all for your lovely comments! I’ve been unplugged for nearly 2 weeks and am looking forward to catching up on your blogs. I had a wonderful break on islands in Maine and Massachusetts. I also completed 3 watercolors. More on that later this month.

    Jacoba, the banner image is of Seguin Island, also in Maine. Georgetown is another favorite place to paint.

    Bee, I paint from the shore, but the photo of author Cynthia Lord in the post below reviewing TOUCH BLUE was taken on the adjacent island at low tide. I’d risk getting stuck if I started painting there.


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