
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sunrise on Nantucket Island

Good morning!

Climb to the attic with me.

Watch the clouds dance,

The sky burn,

And the sea blush.

Dawn is pink and purple,

And braided gold.

They sleep in silhouettes,

While our sun defies darkness.

Blog Watch: 

More seaside vacations: Bee Drunken drove to Wales. Just a Plane Ride Away flew to Italy. While vacationing in Mexico, Books in the City read about Nantucket.

Congratulations to Alyssa Goodnight on her 2 book deal! Reported by David@The Education of a Pulp Writer.

"Moored Sailboats, Nantucket Island" watercolor by Sarah Laurence 8/21/10


  1. Just lovely. I am glad that Earl dodged Nantucket and you were able to vacation there. My brother and friends have rented a house on Cape Cod this week and were worried their plans could have been changed.

  2. Thank you for sharing such stunning photography. Enjoyed the captions.

    Your watercolor is just lovely. What a talented woman you are!

  3. Dear Sarah, Scrolling through these lovely images has, on one hand, been absolutely thrilling whilst, on the other, has left me feeling dissatisfied, longing once more to be by the sea. The views here are, without doubt, marvellous both in terms of sea and sky. Oh well, dream on!!

  4. Oh my what a gorgeous portfolio,Sarah. And the It's amazing what those late morning risers miss, that live among us.

  5. Stunning watercolor, Sarah!

    I was at a gallery over the weekend and the watercolors are so amazingly vibrant.

  6. Such a gorgeous place. It's been years since I was on Nantucket. This reminds me. I need to return.

  7. Hello Sarah

    Never been to Nantucket, but your pictures are making me want to go and visit this beautiful place.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Tracy :)

  8. Absolutely stunning. I think dawn is more magical than sunset. There's something about brilliance coming out of the dark.
    And the watercolor is lovely, as well. What a treat this post is.

  9. These are spectacular. Nantucket is one of my favorite places, even though I haven't been there for many, many years. There's just something about it ....

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Les, it’s always risky during hurricane season. I was actually on Nantucket at the end of August before the latest hurricane although we did get 3 days of rain from a tropical storm that curtailed my painting.

    Tina and Bonnie, thanks!

    Edith, nicely put. I feel wistful too but I love how a blog allows me to revisit special places and share them.

    Troutbirder, the sun woke me. I’m not really a morning person but I’ll make the exception for a seaside sunrise.

    David, nice to see work by another Maine artist.

    Pamela and Melissa, you should return but be prepared for a lot of new development. The island is still charming but less tranquil.

    Tracy, Nantucket is worth a visit.

    Tricia, I rarely have the time to watch sunrises during the busy school year so this was a treat. You captured well what makes them special.

  11. That is gorgeous! And a stunning good-bye to summer.

  12. Hello Sarah

    All the photos are lovely and your water color painting is so beautiful!! I love the soft colors in the painting!

    PS I'm now reading Valerie Martin's "Property". Really interestng! I think no sentimentalism in the novel makes it persuasive! Thanks so much for introducing it to us, Sarah!

  13. I'm breathless. When I was in Wales recently I tried my b****y best to catch the sunset in the same way you caught that sunrise. But no, my results were so, so pitiful, that I decided not to include them in my forthcoming post on Wales. Looking at your pictures has a mesmerising effect. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  14. What a gorgeous picture - the colors of the sky are stunning!

    I enjoyed my virtual trip to Nantucket in a book but would love to visit in person some day!

  15. Those pictures are so beautiful. Your painting is as well. I love the Cape and the Vineyard but still haven't made it to Nantucket. I eventually will. I hope you had a lovely time there. It certainly looks like you did. Literally!

  16. Our fascination for sunrise and sundown somehow always urges us to take pictures. Everyday it is a wonder and it so touches us.
    I like your water color, it will be a nice memory of your vacation when you put it up. Difficult to do, this way of painting, relaxing also.
    Have a happy day, and thank you became my follower. I enjoy your blog and it is interesting to follow, although I do not always comment.

  17. Alyson, thanks!

    Sapphire, that’s an excellent analysis of the narrative voice in Property. The lack of sentimentalism was exactly what made the voice sound so original and chilling.

    ACIL, it’s technically difficult to capture a sunrise. I have a DSLR camera and was using a slow shutter speed. The windowsill served as a tripod. I took a lot of images and only shared the best ones. I’m looking forward to your Wales post.

    Booksnyc, books are a great way to travel.

    Donna, I like Nantucket better than the Vinyard and the Cape because it’s farther out to sea and you can go everywhere on a bike. The beaches and restaurants couldn’t be better.

    Jacoba, I’m impressed that you can comment so well in a second language and I enjoy your feedback. It’s nice to learn that you’re a regular visitor whether you comment or not. Yes, watercolors are tricky. My Nantucket paintings usually sell pretty quickly, but I have held onto other paintings for our home.

  18. Oh Sarah, These are breathtaking images of the dawn over quaint New England coastal homes. Your words too inspire! I love the "braided gold." I too am very glad Nantucket was spared the wrath of Earl. Perhaps he helped paint that magnificent sky. ;>)

  19. oh my gosh, these fotos are heart-achingly beautiful -- and your seascape is stunning. makes me wish i were by the sea.....

  20. I LOVE these sunrise shots, Sarah! I would definitely get up early for those beautiful showy skies :-)

    PS Thanks for the shout out!

  21. Beautiful photos, Sarah! Your watercolor is a delight as well.

  22. What a charming watercolor. You are quite ridiculously talented for one person!

    Looking out of my window at a typically gray, mizzly dusk, I can't help but feel envy for the variety of gilded sunrises in your part of the world. Stunning pictures.

  23. I'm just slurping up these photos of Nantucket, which may be my favorite place in the world. Thank you for sharing. I'm going back to take one more look at them.

  24. Carol, the shifting light was like braiding, so dynamic. My visit to Nantucket predated Earl but there was another tropical storm. Mornings on Nantucket are either foggy or like this on a clear day.

    Amanda, I’m a sea lover too.

    Beth, thanks!

    JAPRA, it takes something this glorious to get me out of bed before 6. I’m not a morning person. I loved the golden light in your Italian posts.

    Tatyana and Rose, thanks!

    Bee, “mizzly” is the perfect word for English weather. Did you coin it?

    Cynthia, I could have guessed that you’d love Nantucket too.

  25. Love your blog and your simply gorgeous photography. Thanks for the stunning photos. Sincerely, Cindy Eckhart from "Sweet Tea with Cindy" blog.

  26. Love your blog (following) and your stunning photography. Love Nantucket Island - Wish we could come and see the daffodils this Spring! Sincerely, Cindy Eckhart of "Sweet Tea with Cindy" blog.

  27. Cindy, welcome to my blog and thank you! I wish I could be on Nantucket for daffodil weekend. We just got more snow this weekend. I'll come visit your blog later today.


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