
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Up Morse Mountain to Seawall Beach, directions included

After all the rain we've been having, I'm posting some sunshine from early May.

Morse Mt. is more of a hill than a mountain. Our part of Maine is very flat. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. At first glance, the snow capped peaks appear to be clouds. Mt. Washington may be the tallest mountain in Northeastern USA, but it doesn't have a beach.

Seawall Beach is usually near empty because to access it, you have to climb two miles up and down Morse each way. It's an easy hike on a dirt road through wild woodlands and marshes. In late spring through summer the trail is very buggy.

This undeveloped oceanside beach stretches for a mile. At low tide you can wade to Popham Beach and walk another 3 miles on soft sand. May is a bit cold for swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, even on a sunny day.

I'm soaking up the cyber rays. This is the wettest spring that I can remember. At least all the rain makes it easier to work on a novel set in England. Cheers!

Directions to Morse Mountain and Seawall Beach in Phippsburg, Maine:
Take Rt. 1 North
At Bath, Exit High Street/Rt. 209
Right onto 209 toward Phippburg for 11.2 miles
Continue Straight onto ME 216/Small Point Road (drive past the Popham Beach turn off)
After 0.8 miles on Rt. 216, take a Left onto Morse Rd
Parking lot is on the left (no dogs or bikes allowed)
The trail is the old road and clearly marked
Hike 2 miles to Seawall Beach
Bring insect repellant in summer!


  1. With all this rain in NY, I can use this kind of sunshine :) Thank you. Gorgeous pictures. The sky is so vividly blue!

  2. Yeah I needed some sun, Sarah. Many thanks. There was an opening a few days ago and I took my daughter down to the beach looking for shells. I may post that photo on Friday.

  3. Thanks for the directions, Sarah. I now know where to head if I'm in the neighbourhood one day. Sometimes solitude is the key to inspiration and creativity. Your photos are testament to that.

    And good ol' England looks grim and cloudy today. Or is it just my fab city? :-)

    Greetings from London.

  4. Thank you for that bit of sunshine and blue sky Sarah. Great photographs as always. And how many blogs give directions to a hidden beach?

  5. I can see how the top of the mountain does look like clouds. Very pretty.

  6. these fotos bring back memories of a childhood trip to maine. i still remember the huge tides and of course, lobster!

    thank goodness there are still remote beaches such as these - the harder to get to, the better! beautiful images, sarah. and the distant snowy peak does look like a cloud at first glance!

  7. Beautiful...if I had a beach like that within a 2 mile hike, you'd never find me home! I love the serenity of your photos. Glad to see you've had a bit of sunshine...I'll send some your way if you send some rain my way.

  8. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Love reading your blog- it's like a mini vacation. =)

  9. Septembermom, friends in NYC have been complaining about the weather too.

    David, I enjoyed your sunny beach posted today. Hoping for more sunshine this weekend but it looks grey.

    ACIL and other out of state visitors, you can pick up Rt. 1 near Logan Airport in Boston. Just drive north for 3 hours to Morse. It would be faster, though, switching to Rt 95 for most of the journey.

    Bonnie, Tina and Amanda, thanks!

    Cat, Morse is about a half an hour drive from home, and I would go more often but life gets busy with the kids.

    Kacky, welcome to my blog and thank you!

  10. Oh so nice to see all that sunshine from early May! Nice way to look at the bright side, though, this weather will indeed help with British novel writing.

  11. I'll be right over. Loving woodsy hikes and sandy beaches. Are large GSD's allowed there as well? :)

  12. Hi

    The soft blue sky above, soft blue quietness below. I was really amazed at the beautiful soft color of blue. Our seas are rather deeply blue because of the Kuroshio Current. I remember you once said something like "Spring in Maine comes all at once in May"... Though your former post was about NY's flowers and blossoms, it looks like spring has come in the same way there. The weeping cherry blossoms were fantastic! Love the tree.

    Sitting here in a very grey North of England, twas a TONIC!
    Good to be blogging again and reading blogs like yours...

  14. I am happy to see your beach photos again, Sarah! I prefer a secluded beach and don't mind a little walking to get it :)

    BTW, I think you're getting all of our rain. It's been such a dry spring.

  15. Outstanding photos--clear as those skies. I'm happy to catch up with you!

  16. Dear Sarah, The rain has finally stopped here and the sun . . . yes! sun is shinning and drying things out! What a beautiful beach! Somehow I do not imagine such beaches in Maine. I would dress for the bugs to be there. Lovely. You are so generous to share the directions! I hope you are finally drying out too with the brilliant sunshine. Carol

  17. August is a bit cold for swimming in Maine if you ask me.

  18. I love the blue sky and white clouds and the sparkling water underneath. What a nice place!
    I've missed reading your blog!

  19. Thanks so much for these directions - I could not find driving directions anywhere. You have a great blog. I will check it regularly.

  20. Blog buddies, a belated thanks for all your comments!

    Brian, welcome to my blog and thank you! If you go to Morse in summer, bring bug spray. Sorry to be so slow to reply. I've been offline. I really enjoyed your blog and see we have much in common. I'll be in touch.

  21. Are dogs allowed on this trail?

  22. Kim, no dogs or bikes allowed on the trail. It's a nature sanctuary. You can take a dog to Fort Popham year round and to Popham Beach offseason.


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