
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mud Season in Maine

March and April is mud season in Maine.

Rivers thaw, snow melts and fields brown.

Every step is slippery or squelchy,

And a question mark of snow remains.

Tides ripple the sand, promising summer.

Only my dog misses winter.

Blog Watch for seasonal blues: Les@Tidewater Garden hosted his annual winter walk off. Sapphire shared cherry blossom season in Japan. Petra revisited summery Lhota in the Czech Republic. Pamela@From the House of Edward posted a whimsical list for spring.


  1. Stunning photography, Sarah. And lovely, delicate writing to go along with them. Your slippery/squelchy comment and its picture reminds me of March and April back at my college, where crossing the baseball field between my apartment and the campus was always a game of avoiding hidden mud pockets--with occasionally sad results.

  2. Your photos are amazing, Sarah! We had our first big snowfall in two years this past weekend. Like Scout, Sophie has been enjoying every minute of it:)

  3. Ha! Little Scout is not so little anymore!!! The tides ripple/sand photo is beautiful - as are all your photos. I love to look at your captures. We were talking the other night of going to Maine this summer- hopefully it will happen. Mud season or not, it is still beautiful- very jealous you have four true seasons.

  4. A yucky season for sure! Such a pretty dog-just gorgeous.

  5. Lovely mood of change captured here...and a happy dog! Delightful, Sarah!

  6. Still looks astoundingly chilly!
    Yes, isn't it absurd how much dogs love wintry weather.
    Sunny today in Ny --thank heavens.
    Spring greetings to you and your family.

  7. Still buried under two feet of snow squelchy and brown looks good to me. Intriguing shot reminding me it is the beginning of the season of promise....:)

  8. Dear Sarah, It is a lovely world you live in no matter the season. I just want to step into everyone of your photos and run with your dog. The snow is melting here too but there is plenty more to go.

  9. And a question mark of snow... What a beautiful phrase. Spring's delayed it arrival over here somewhat but I'm really looking forward to its grand entrance when it does come! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  10. Long time no see. I came back home yesterday and read your recent posts!! How different your world is from ours. The snowscapes there have always fascinated me. To my surprise, your dog has grown up so fast and looks majestic now!!

    I'm going to post on sakura(cherry blossoms) soon (perhaps next week) in April.

  11. Amazing photographs Sarah!! I can't wait to visit Maine someday.

  12. Thanks for the shout-out. I hope your mud season is a short one, and I do see the question mark of snow, but what is the question?

  13. Mud season may be wet and slippery but in your photos it looks great. I love the blue sky, the river, the snow spots and the ripples of the sand, they look sooo artistic! :)

  14. I love Maine because I have so many great memories of fishing trips their with my dad (mostly Inland in great north woods region). The soothing photos and words are just what I need after a long week of work.

  15. yikes - blogger ate my comment - will try again. just wanted to say that all that moisture is likely welcome by mother earth - at least in our parts it is, where we just came through a very dry last summer.

    love the word squelchy - perfect. good weather for wellies, no?

  16. All shots are beautiful but "Tides ripple the sand, promising summer" is quite sharp. Enjoy the detail.

  17. You make mud season look beautiful! We have many flowers blooming in southern NH. Definitely feeling like we've turned a corner and have firmly entered spring.

  18. what beautiful photos Sarah and what amazing place I think Maine is beautuful and I would like to know it!
    love your dog!:)

  19. Yes, this is the season for mud! The cats like to climb on the car after playing in the mud.
    Great photos!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!


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