
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Winter Dog Walk on Skis

Sunday morning I awoke delighted to find three inches of fresh snow.

We have had so much snow this season, I can practically ski right off the back deck. My cross-country skis are extra wide for trail breaking. I'm usually the first one out after storms. 

Skiing or snowshoeing is the only way to walk the dog these days. On foot, people sink to their knees and dogs sink to their bellies, but I've trained Scout to follow in my tracks. 

Our backyard has become Narnia. I never tire of the magic.

Our wooded trail takes us to Bowdoin College's playing fields.
On the mornings I don't ski, I swim laps in the indoor pool. 

The cross-country trail encircles the fields. Unleashed dogs are welcome as long as you clean up.
If you are walking or snowshoeing, please avoid stepping in the ski tracks as that ruins them. 

Feeling bold, I followed the steep snowshoe trail into the ravine and nearly got stuck.

Trudging uphill was hard work on skis, but it was worth it to speed downhill.

At the base of the hill is the first pond.

Under the bridge, the stream was flowing metallic black, reflecting the sun.

The Town Commons trail lead us back into the woods... the second pond, where I sometimes ice skate.

It was time to turn around and to head back home. Scout was excited to follow our scent.

I tricked her by choosing a different trail that skirts the first pond and a meandering stream. 

We had only been gone an hour or so. Is this our home or a snow drift?

My fabulous husband had shoveled the snow and had made crepes for brunch.
Later we read by the fire and watched Downton Abbey with our daughter.
What a perfect weekend!

More snow is falling this morning....

Blog Watch: this post is part of the Winter Walk-Off, 2015 hosted @A Tidewater Gardener. 


  1. What a lovely dog walk on skis! I like the feel of the winter through your pictures-the best way really. Goodness, I am glad we don't get so much snow down here. There is a lot of snow there. Scout is a pretty boy.

  2. Hello Sarah,

    We have thoroughly enjoyed following in your ski trail.

    The landscape has turned into a fantasy land with that strange light that heavy snow brings with it. The water you describe perfectly as metallic black, it looks just like flowing mercury.........rather sinister but altogether beautiful.

    So much snow must make daily living quite exhausting. But, a wonderful excuse, if one is needed, for hibernating with pancakes and a favourite television programme.

  3. What beautiful photos! Skiing with the dog looks like oodles of fun.

  4. Sarah, thank you for skiing along with my Winter Walk-Off. As much as I am sick of winter, you make it seem like something to look forward to, and Maine certainly wears winter well. Your images are quite beautiful. Skiing and swimming all winter, you deserve a second crepe.

  5. You never tire of the magic and I never tire of your photos. Gorgeous. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  6. I certainly understand all the northerners who are tired of the snow but how wonderful to find one who isn't! Nice to go walking/skiing with you, Sarah!

  7. I think I could enjoy living in a place like yours if I could be sure of getting around by skiing. Walking is more my style, so I will try to participate in Les' meme when we get home. Lovely photos and commentary as always, Sarah!

  8. Perfect indeed! What a magical excursion - thanks for bringing us along.

  9. Tina, I can understand why you moved south.

    Jane and Lance, I love your mercury simile! I wonder if young people these days would know what it looks like now that mercury thermometers are no longer used.

    Bmore, thanks and welcome to my blog! I enjoyed your blog too.

    Les, thanks for hosting! You have to love winter to live year round in Maine. I admit to having more than two crepes.

    ACIL and Amanda, thanks!

    Cynthia, we didn’t get hit as hard as Boston and we are better prepared for large amount of snow in Maine.

    W2W, cross-country skiing is more like walking than downhill skiing. Lots of people here snow shoe too.

  10. Sarah, I'm trying to square these heavenly snowy images with the views I remember on a hot day in July! I'm a wimp about cold weather, but you make it look so beautiful and romantic. Btw, when I was on the plane the other day I was able to watch all four episodes of Olive Kitteridge. Wonderful! Made me think of you; not just the Maine setting, but I believe that I first heard about the book on your blog.

  11. it is so lovely to be able to ski out of your door, i do the same. but our snow is too hard at the moment. your photos are lovely.

  12. Winter always looks so appealing through your lens, Sarah. I absolutely love the photo of Scout looking back from the woods (the 6th photo, I think)! That deserves framing.

  13. Oh my how wonderfully idyllic. How I wish I could still do that but falling & having trouble getting up is problematic....

  14. It looks like a magical wonderland! (Meanwhile in Iowa we've been suffering from a dearth of snow in February.) I want to take up cross-country skiing at some point in large part because of you. It looks fun and like such a good and refreshing workout!

  15. Beth, I loved that HBO adaptation of Olive Kitteridge, but I wish they'd filmed it in Maine instead of Massachusetts. You've introduced me to good books too.

    Tammie, welcome back to my blog. I enjoyed your icy photos!

    Rose, thanks!

    troutbirder, I'm sorry you had to quit.

    Donna, you would love it.

  16. Snowfall and fresh snow - there are very few things that match it in ethereal beauty and divine appeal. I remember when I encountered my first flurries, when I was in the US in late 2006 and subsequently the first snowfall, my friend and I ran out in the snow with pure, unadulterated child like joy! beautiful pictures.

  17. Stunning photos. Absolutely beautiful. That is so cute how Scout goes with you!!!! Enjoyed the post. So pretty. Wasn't Downton great!!!!! Perfect weekend indeed!

  18. Narnia indeed! I have never skied but reading this really made me want to be out there with you.

  19. Indisha, thanks for sharing your magical experience and welcome to my blog!

    kacky, I can't believe we have to wait until next year for the return of Downton.

    Elizabeth, cross country is easier (and safer) than downhill skiing. I enjoyed spring on your blog. Primroses!

  20. Thank you for that lovely walk through your pristine, snowy woods. Not much snow here in the mountains of North Carolina this year, but we did have incapacitating ice for a week. But today the roses are starting to come to life so I believe spring is on the way.

  21. Lovely walk-off, fun to see actual snow, and the need for jackets and gloves and such. Happy Spring!

  22. Lynn and Hoover, welcome to my blog and thank you! I enjoyed visiting your blogs too.

  23. Lovely images. Just catching up with Les's "Walk off" ... Like you, we've had lots of snow. Sadly we still have several feet of the stuff still on the ground !

    Best wishes from Spring-less Nova Scotia

  24. Sybil, welcome to my blog! I hope spring finds you soon. Most of the snow is gone but the paths are still icy in the woods. I skied for the last time (I hope!) on Thursday, our latest snowfall.


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