
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winter Jigsaw

Sometimes when I'm revising a manuscript, I hit a wall of snow. 
Old words seem frozen solid, unmoving and unmovable. 

My stream of thought is blocked. The structure falls.

But if I look carefully, I find a small opening,

And finally a clear path. I must cut fresh tracks in what has fallen, but if I keep going...

I discover an unexpected vista,

Where all the fragmented pieces fit into a story. 


  1. Sarah, it's beautifully poetic and wonderfully true, I love your photo story!

  2. What a gorgeously evocative essay...
    Well done Sarah...
    I'm just catching up after a month in the jungle and answered you question. :)

  3. Perfect comparison! Especially with all the snow you all have received. Stay warm and get the revision done!

  4. I am glad you are letting that beautiful landscape guide you. Stay warm!

  5. Hello Sarah,

    This is a beautifully poetic post.

    How perfectly you match the words with the images here. Yes, we can well see the comparisons to be made between mental and physical blocks. And, perhaps like you, we often find that when one is in real need of a breakthrough of some kind, Nature can be a great help. It can, somehow, release the tension and provide a new way.

    May the thaw in words and snow come quickly.....but without flooding!

  6. What beautiful photos! We certainly haven't had as much snow as you have had this year. I love how you have matched your words to these photos as well. I'm not sure I could ever be a "real" writer. Right now I'm trying to write a simple article for our MG newsletter and am stuck on how to start. I think I need to find another pathway through the snow:)

  7. There must be an ebb and flow to writing as in Nature. You're not the kind of writer to just crank out the novels. In your mind and by your hand, they will be as carefully designed and crafted as snowflakes. Can't wait to read them!

  8. All, thanks for your encouragements and your warm wishes. They worked. The latest blizzard (1-2 feet) missed only Midcoast Maine. My revisions went really well too.

    troutbirder, welcome back!

    Rose, good luck finding your path! Your blog is very well written so I'm sure you'll find it soon.

    w2w, seeing that I have an eager audience for my books is the best encouragement for my writing. Thank you!

  9. Wonderful photos, Sarah. I just don't seem to be able to get enough snow! And I'm glad to know you're making progress with your manuscript.

  10. You guys have been pounded this winter with snow that's for sure. I am grateful you are making the most of it with these lovely images.

  11. Breathtaking! What incredible shots. I always love seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing!!

  12. How beautiful was that. I felt safe out and about with you. The lake photos most lovely. Then again, I'm a lake person.

    Enjoyed the visit.

  13. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Amazing photos. It is bewildering to see so much snow all around.

    The story you weaved is fascinating. You reach a block and then you find a way to breathtaking beauty.

    The following words of yours assumes special significance ==--
    Sometimes when I'm revising a manuscript, I hit a wall of snow.
    My stream of thought is blocked.
    But if I look carefully, I find a small opening.I discover an unexpected vista,where all the fragmented pieces fit into a story.========

    This is a wonderful allegory with lovely photos.

    Not only when you revise a manuscript, but in real life we hit blocks many times and we wonder how to overcome them. We are confused and frightened and we don't know what to do next. But if we persist, with determination, we will find a way to overcome the obstacles and in the process we reach grand vistas hitherto unexplored.

    Best wishes

  14. Cynthia, Amanda and Kacky, thanks!

    Midlife Roadtripper, welcome to my blog and thank you! Those last two photos were taken at Wolfe’s Neck Park on Casco Bay. The ocean does look like a lake when it’s frozen. So nice to connect with you!

    Joseph, good point!


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