
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Town: Brunswick, Maine

Brunswick looks best in winter white. Yes, I know it's "spring," but my town has an offbeat sense of humor. Read the road sign: Maine Street. Brunswick has a population of 20,000, making it the biggest town in Maine. It's a half an hour up the coast from Portland; our biggest city has only 60,000 people.

Brunswick officially became a town in 1717 when Maine was part of Massachusetts. Maine didn't become a state until 1820. Lovely old houses line the town green, which isn't very green at this time of year.

In winter the town green becomes a skating rink.

We are well prepared for winter. Even the sidewalks are plowed and sanded.

Downtown hosts a variety of ethnic restaurants and mom & pop businesses in Hopper style buildings.

There are several art galleries and more artists than I could count. Frosty's bakes fresh "donuts" daily.

Of course there is a barber shop.

The architecture can't have changed much since the 1950s.

Fort Andros, the old cotton mill on the Androscoggin River, 
now houses art studios, restaurants, a flea market and the winter farmers' market.

At the other end of town is Bowdoin College, founded in 1794.

My husband teaches British and Japanese Politics in Hubbard Hall.

Mass Hall, the oldest building on campus, houses the English Department.

Another favorite building is Searle's Hall.

The campus has a lovely chapel too.

I love my town!

Blog Watch: check out Winter Walks of 2015 @Tidewater Gardener.


  1. Fantastic photos. I enjoyed them so much. Loved that tour of your neighbourhood. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  2. We have a number of small liberal arts colleges in towns about that size here. There are all very special I know I would love your town as well. My impression of Maine reminded very much of Northern Minnesota its pine forests and wilderness. Here in the south Rochester (aka Mayo Clinic) has grown rapidly to over a hundred. It has an international flavor and cultural aspect unique to a city its size so we have the best of both worlds. Thanks a lot for the town tour Sarah. I enjoyed it very much....:)

  3. Ah yes, my hometown too. Grew up not far from downtown and also in the Cooks Corner area. It is such a quaint and picturesque place. Love that Frosty's! And the flea market in Fort Andros. That river and bridge across to Topsham as well as the old mill have changed so much. So nice to see it all. I miss the steamed hotdogs on the town green and especially those buns because they don't sell them down here.

  4. What a lovely and picturesque town! I love it that though the town has changed over the years, the buildings have been preserved and put to new uses. Thanks so much for giving us this tour, Sarah.

  5. All, thanks!

    troutbirder, I'd love to see the Minnesota wilderness, but probably in summer!

    Tina, I always think of you when I get doughnuts at Frosty's. It's under new ownership now but still excellent.

  6. Neat photos. Brunswick look like a great place to live. You made me miss back East for a few long minutes. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a lovely place to live. I love the photo of Fort Andros - my son lives in a converted paper mill where he goes to college and it is beautifully renovated as well.

  8. Thanks for the tour, it is indeed a lovely town, and I love that chapel, though it looks a little imposing. I have been through Brunswick, but remember nothing of it. We were on our way to Pemaquid Point which I do remember.

  9. My neighbor attended Bowdoin long ago and I've listened to his tales of school often. Your town looks most beautiful. I think I drove through there many years ago.

    What I liked best? The outdoor ice skating. Reminded me of always skating outside in Minnesota.

    Enjoyed the visit.

  10. What a great tour. We are coming to New York for a dinner in September and intending to hire a car and drive up into New England for a few days afterwards. Would we get as far as Maine do you think?

  11. All, thanks for your comments!

    Elizabeth, it’s a four hour drive from NYC to Southern Maine, and another hour or so to Brunswick. You’d drive through Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire on your way. I think Maine is the prettiest of those states as it has both mountains and ocean.

  12. Awesome photos, Sarah. I'm so glad I discovered your blog. I'll be following you on Facebook, too. Thanks for sharing so many great posts. All the best, Ben

  13. Thanks, Ben! I love your photos too. It's so nice to connect with you.


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