
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hiking Morse Mountain, Maine in Spring Snow

Over "spring" break, three weeks ago, my intrepid son joined me for a hike up Morse Mountain.

In Maine spring doesn't really kick in until May, but at least the snow is melting in mud season.

The trail starts by a saltwater marsh before climbing into the woods. We hiked with 
ice-stabilizers strapped to our boots, but snowshoes would have been better.

The mountain is really a hill, but it offers a spectacular view of the marsh and ocean. You can click on my Morse Mountain label below to see this view in other seasons. Over the last three weeks the snow has melted to patches. We were in the 60's these past few days! I shall spare you the photos of mud.


  1. Hello Sarah,

    Well, we have to say that the Mud Season does not sound too romantic for a spring break.! However, the scenery from your mountain top viewing place is serenely beautiful. Spring may not have filled arrived but her coming is promised at every turn. Lovely!

  2. It's beautiful, even in the melting/mud season!

  3. So is it well and truly mud season now? I've never been able to grasp such a long winter, especially as my one visit to Maine was so hot and muggy!

  4. Beautiful vista by the seasons, Sarah...:)

  5. Thank you for sparing us the mud. It has been a wet season here in Tennessee too. Glad to hear spring is on its way.

  6. Mud season. I recall that growing up in Minnesota. So waiting for it to be warm after the snow is gone and so moist and just plain wet. April showers... Enjoyed this visit.

  7. Beautiful view. I dont envy your Mud Season. We usually have it here too. But this year we didn't have much late snow so it was long gone very early so hence not much Mud. First year in awhile it's dry out West in North Country. I'm getting out to bike! I hope you can remedy the Mud time with other things.

  8. Love the view from the top! And I don't even know what an ice stabilizer is...


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