
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay Harbor

Spring comes late to Maine, but it makes up for lost time with everything blooming all at once.

On Mother's Day, my daughter and I visited Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay.
It's one of my favorite places, and she wanted to scout it for her senior project.
She's creating a botanical guide to Maine plants with photos and drawings.

How did my little girl become a high school senior?

We still share a love of nature. Tulips!

Korean Azaleas!


My favorite photo was one my daughter took with her DSLR of the rhododendrons. 

The Rhododendron Garden waterfall was the grand finale to a perfect day.

Link to my previous visit to Maine Botanical Gardens


  1. Indeed, how do they suddenly grow up? I have asked myself the same question watching my two (still little) ones grow up and turn into beautiful and caring teenagers. Where's time gone?

    Beautiful photos. I love them all. Thanks, that was a visual feast.

    Greetings from London.

  2. They grow so fast! Gosh she looks a lot like you. Never been to CMBG but the director came and spoke to one of my gardening groups years ago. It sounds like a nice place and I'd love to see it someday.

  3. Wonderful to see that spring has finally arrived for you! Beautiful photos! Yes, they do grow up so fast. I keep telling my daughter, the new mom, this--one minute you're wishing they would sleep through the night, and the next you're packing the car with all their belongings for the first semester of college:)

    Your daughter's project sounds so interesting--maybe you could share a couple pages at some time?

  4. In the blink of an eye, they do grow up, don't they? We will be celebrating our grandson's eighth birthday this weekend. It's hard to believe he's that old already! Your daughter has grown into a lovely, accomplished young lady. I hope her senior project can be published. I'm sure it will be outstanding.

  5. What a beautiful outing to a beautiful place with your beautiful daughter!

  6. Beauty in every picture. No matter where we go we take the opportunity to check out the local botanical gardens...:)

  7. What a lovely place to be with your daughter on Mother's Day Sarah. I particularly love the two portraits of your daughter. What a beautiful child and young woman and what a great senior project she is working on. Boothbay is wonderful . . . you inspire me to visit again sometime soon.

  8. Tulips are my all time favorite. So pretty. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. What a fun mother/daughter outing. Beautiful photos!

  10. Yeah, how is it possible that our children grow and get older so quickly while we stay young all the time, right? :) I love the flowers and their colours. I plan to visit botanical gardens in Prague where we were many years ago and I’d love to get back one day, this time of the year could be a good one.

  11. All, thanks!

    Rose, I’ll share a drawing or two next month, when her project is finished.

  12. Sarah!What lovely daugthers you have!! and the flowers look amazing.
    Love yours pictures, especially now we are in almost winter here!

  13. Cue and Gloria, thanks! Sorry to be so slow to reply and to visit.


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