
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Autumn Seduction

Golden morning

Leads me into the woods

On pine needle footsteps, 

Over tap-tapping bridges,

Past gurgling reflections,

Under rustled leafshine,

Where brazen maples

Shimmy, blush and wave,

Flirting with that cool sky.


  1. What heart-stoppingly magnificent images. This time of year is truly a paradise in your corner of the world.

    By the way, I just picked up Euphoria and am looking forward to settling in to a good read.

  2. I love those flirting words and captures of yours, Sarah, having taken a leafshine to all the beauty...

    Poetical seduction for sure. :)

  3. You will never know how jealous I am of you and your photos and your part of the world. :-) Those are, if not the best, some of the better autumn shots I have ever seen in my life. If I'd know that I would have asked you to lend me one for my upcoming Sunday post. :-) With all credit to you, of course. I love this post. In fact, I will probably come back soon.

    Thanks. That was a beautiful visual present.

    Greetings from London.

  4. A perfectly titled post! It reminds me of a book I used to read to my littles - A Listening Walk. I think about that book often and look forward to reading it to my grandbabies! You know I have no color to speak of here so am deeply appreciative of yours :)
    Thankfully, we are experiencing that enchanting light though.

  5. Autumn seduction is right!!!! See- things like this are what I miss about the northeast. Beautiful!!!!!

  6. p.s. I too put Euphoria on my Nook but since I can't afford New Guinea I'm saving it for our winter vacation in tropical Florida...:)

  7. This is gorgeous--both the photography and the poetry. If you ever put these photographic poems together in a book I would buy it!

  8. Beautiful imagery, both in your photos and in your words! Maine may have long winters followed by what you call "mud season," but such spectacular autumns surely make up for it!

  9. Beautiful pictures, is it not amazing that autumn colours are so vibrant?!
    Enjoy your walks and the autumns perfumes that tickle your nose!
    The previous post was gorgeous too!
    Happy weekend!

  10. So when are you going to write that photographic picture book, oh poetic Sarah??

  11. All, thanks!

    Donna and Charlotte, if a publisher were interested in a photo poetry book, I'd write one. Your enthusiasm made my day.

    Amanda and troutbirder, looking forward to hearing your reactions to Euphoria.

    Cat, what a marvelous book to share with your kids/grandkids! I love the title.

  12. What beautiful shots! Sadly, autumn has yet to come to Texas.

  13. How truly autumnal and gorgeous!
    You are far ahead of us in the fall colors line - so now I'm rather looking forward to it!

  14. Liviania & Elizabeth, thanks, I'm happy to share!

  15. Stunning photos! Scenes like these have yet to arrive this far south, but things are changing.

  16. I agree--stunning! Color has just come to Georgia, but not as brilliant as in these photos. So jealous!


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