
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My daughter's song "Flooded to Black"

Gemma has written a song, "Flooded to Black," which was recorded for a documentary on tar sands oil:


  1. A very poised and talented young lady.....:) We visited the tar sands region last summer. Among other things it a zoo. The issue in our locality is the massive extraction of sand for the fracking process...:(

  2. Congrats! You have a very talented daughter. Isn't it wonderful to see how our children develop and turn into fully-fledged responsible human being. I noticed a slight Irish lilt in her way of singing. It brought a special something to her song.

    Thanks for uploading the clio.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Sarah, You must be so proud of your daughter. What a lovely, articulate and talented young woman with a beautiful soul and voice to match.

  4. Sarah, you must be so proud! Such a poised and talented young lady--a beautiful song with a clear and timely message.

  5. You must be so proud! My daughter is a hydrogeologist!

  6. I love Gemma's voice! Love the song too. Wow. So impressed and how exciting. Thanks so much for sharing the video.

  7. All, thanks! My daughter was pleased by your comments too.


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