
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

6 Year Blog Anniversary

It's hard to believe that I've been blogging for six years. When I started in 2007, my aim was only to update friends and family about our adventures in England. My husband was taking a sabbatical at Oxford University, and I was gathering material for a novel about an American on her junior year abroad. Every week, I blogged about new and beautiful places. Many of you found me online back then and followed me home to Maine. I followed you all over the globe. 

The best part of blogging is the diverse community. Last week's post on the Drinking Age in the UK vs the USA received comments about the laws in Hungary, Canada, Japan and Chile. Others shared their experiences of raising teens in the USA and in the UK. I'm grateful for all your comments and your fascinating posts. I have learned so much from you.

Another example of our community being helpfully informative was when I posted Advice to New Bloggers to guide a friend new to blogging. Over three years that post has gathered 72 comments with more helpful tips than I could have thought of on my own. I love how our words continue to live online and gather new responses. 

Through blogging, I've connected with other writers who share my passion for books. On the first Wednesday of every month for nearly four years, author Barrie Summy has been hosting a book review club. In addition to that group, many of you recommend good books to me as well. Being online encourages me to read more offline too. 

Your words and images inspire me. What I see, I want to share with you. I do not walk alone in the snowy fields thanks to your company.

So let me raise a virtual glass to say thank you. 
Your lovely blogs, thoughtful comments and friendship have improved my life. 


  1. Let me echo your splendid comments here!
    Through blogging, I too, have made friends all over the world --and many have become 'real world' friends too-- like you.
    It has been a most enriching experience.
    Among my favorite blogs are from England, Tanzania, Finland, Austria and Australia.
    Cheers to many more happy blogging years.

  2. Warm congratulations to you and thanks for being such a great encourager. Though we don't always agree on certain issues, I've learned a lot from your perspective. I wish you all the best and hope to read many more of your thoughtful posts in the years to come.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I do enjoy your reviews, and especially your photos. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. hello Sarah:
    It is a tremendous achievement to have kept up your blog for 6 years. Not only that, but you have maintained a quality of writing that is intelligent and thought provoking - no easy task!

    Like you, we very much value the friendship and sense of international community that blogging brings. It certainly dos open up one's eyes to what is happening the world over.

    Many congratulations on your anniversary. We wish you continued success. We are privileged to have 'met' you!!!

  6. It's a blogiversary!

    Thanks, Sarah. Always a pleasure to read your thoughts.

  7. Sarah, 6 years is quite a long time to stay in one place :) and if you look behind, you can surely see the progress you've made. Let me tell you that I enjoy my visits of your blog enormously and I'm happy I've met you in this virtual sphere. What I love about blogging is the inspiration we find in each other's posts and you're right, there are no geographical boundaries, just our characters and expectations.

  8. 6 years!!! Impressive! Beautiful shots of the snow!! I enjoy your posts as well as photos and of course book reviews- glad you started and glad you kept on writing!! Our gain!

  9. And thanks and congratulations to you Sarah... a writer, aritst and woman for all seasons...:)

  10. SIx years!!
    What an accomplishment!
    Happy, happy anniversary! Like so many of my favourite bloggers, I feel as though we are friends.

  11. Happy Anniversary dear Sarah you have such a lovely blog, I love so much books and read of course, I really enjoy your blog!

  12. All, thank you! I'm so touched by your comments.

  13. Happy Blogiversary! :-) I came across your blog many years ago and it's amongst my usual weekly stops. You're so articulate, clever and creative. I love your mix of reviews, photos and paintings. Here's to you and many more years! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  14. Dear Sarah,

    Absolutely beautiful and poetic photography to mark you sixth year of blogging. Congratulations!! I am always inspired after visiting your world this way. You have a unique niche in the blogging and virtual world there in Maine . . . reaching out to the larger community. I personally feel more hopeful for the many teens that are influenced by your grace and intellect through your writing. Your paintings are wonderful too. Our blogging community certainly does make the world smaller . . . connecting kindred spirits who might never have found one another. I will always be thankful for finding you Sarah and hopefully we will meet someday. We do not have to go far to do so! ;>) Many more productive and creative years of blogging to you.

  15. I'm so happy to have found your blog, Sarah. I always come away enriched in some way, and it is ever a pleasure to view your images, either painted or photographed, and read your thoughtful and inspiring book reviews. Congratulations on six years filled with creative spirit.

  16. Happy anniversary! How wonderful! And what a journey! Isn't it interesting how things start out in one way then morph and wind into another. Blogging is very much that way. The purpose and who we are speaking to change constantly. Glad to have met you in this vast internet world! xx

  17. Congratulations. I just went back to 2007 and found an interesting blog about Phillip Pullman. Although it is a children's book, I loved reading it in my sixties.

  18. What a wonderful post! Happy 6 years! And hoping for many more!!

  19. Sarah about my recipe Im sure you can find there milk or cream without lactose!

  20. Congratulations!! I've always enjoyed reading your posts and have learned many precious things from you! I have also read many books you'd recommended! Many thanks, Sarah!!

    The top photo is simply beautiful! Love it!

  21. Congratulations! I have been blogging nearly six years, in April. I used to read your blog and lost it, as sometimes happens to me in blogland when I am not sufficiently organised to keep track and came here again via Jane and Lance. A great example of interconnectedness! I will make sure I don't lose you this time!

  22. congratulations! I am very glad to have discovered your blog - I love to visit and see what you are reading and the beautiful photographs you take!

  23. Visiting you via Elizabeth's blog. I cannot imagine blogging for 6 years - you and Elizabeth must have been almost pioneers.
    A beautiful misty, cold and magical image.

  24. All, I’m overwhelmed by all your kind comments. There is a delightful mix of old friends, lost-now-found connections, new friends and first time visitors here. My eyes are damp but I’m smiling. Six is the best anniversary ever!

    E Wix, it was lovely to meet you in the real world. We have much in common.

    W2w, I was especially touched to hear that you learn from my perspective, despite our differences. I feel the same way. I value your open mind and your opinions.

    Nantucket Daff, thank you! It’s nice to catch up.

    Jane and Lance, so nice to have “met” you too!

    Jackie, how much fun to hear from a real world friend too!

    Petra, I love your observation that only character and expectations limit us.

    Kacky, it was so nice to connect with you on twitter too!

    Troutbirder, “a woman for all seasons” I like that!

    Pamela, yes I too consider you a friend even without meeting in person. I’m honored to be a favorite blog amongst the wonderful ones you follow. The admiration is mutual.

    ACIL, so nice to hear from one of my oldest friends, from the UK year.

    Carol, even though we haven’t met in person it feels like we have, especially since we share friends and call New England home.

    Amanda, enrichment and inspiration run both ways.

    Alyson, yes I love how we “met” in England and New England.

    Marc, I can believe that readers of any age would get something out of Pullman’s books. I certainly did.

    Kelly, thank you! It’s nice to see you back to blogging.

    Gloria, thanks – I wasn’t sure if lactose free products would work as well in baking.

    Sapphire, it pleases me that you read the books I recommend, especially since it’s your second language.

    Elizabeth Musgrave, welcome back lost friend! It is so nice to reconnect and through mutual friends once again.

    Booksnyc, I love your book recommendations. I was especially pleased to see a YA review on your blog this week.

    Rosemary, welcome to my blog and thank you! Yes it was a wild frontier with few hyperlinks when Elizabeth M. and I started blogging. It’s amazing we all found each other. I loved seeing the Cotswolds in snow on your blog.

  25. Well a very HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY to you! Six years! Wowser, it seems like only yesterday! And so many nice comments about you and your blog. Let me add mine by saying it has been a pleasure reading your blog and meeting you! Happy New Year to you!

  26. What a great milestone, we all love reading your blog keep it up!

  27. All, my next post will be up late afternoon on Wednesday. Life got extra busy in a good way today.

    Tina, we have been blogging together for the longest time. Isn’t that a Billy Joel song? It was a delight to meet you in our town in common.

    Ryan, I love hearing from another American married to a Brit. Keep tweeting about life on the other side of the pond.

  28. Happy 6-year anniversary of your wonderful blog! I've enjoyed reading it over the past several years and counting you as a friend. And I'm flattered that you read my blog. You are so accomplished!

  29. Six years! Way to go, Sarah! I've loved following you. xo

  30. And congrats to you on 4 years of our book review club! I'm so glad we met online as I love your blog too.

  31. Sorry I'm late to the party but congratulations!!! And I LOVE that photo at the top. Wow.


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